Today's Hours: Monday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

For life-threatening emergencies such as active chest pain, please call 911.

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7615 Totem Beach Rd, Building A
Tulalip, WA 98271


pdf Elder Wellness Services Flyer

pdf Support Circle Flyer

Community Health Nurses

Provides health education and prevention activities within the community to benefit the overall health of the Tulalip community, including vaccination clinics and hospital discharge follow-up visits.

Services Provided:

  • Care coordination
    • Assist with navigation of health system and health services
    • Available to all Tribal members
  • Home assessments (for example, fall risk assessments, environmental assessments, etc.)
  • Patient advocacy (i.e. advocacy during hospitalization)
  • Diabetes education assistance
  • Elder Wellness Services
    • Promotes elder engagement and health monitoring
    • Available to all Tribal elders (age 57+)
    • Offers monthly visits/check-ins and care coordination services


In the event of a medical emergency, every second counts. The Container for Life program plays a vital role in providing essential information to emergency medical services (EMS) and healthcare professionals, enabling them to quickly assess and respond to individual needs during emergencies.

By participating in the program, Tulalip community members can provide crucial medical information, such as allergies, medical conditions, and emergency contacts, which is securely stored in their Container for Life. This information can be accessed by authorized personnel in emergency situations, ensuring that appropriate care and interventions can be swiftly administered.

We prioritize privacy and security, ensuring that your personal information is protected and only accessible to authorized individuals in emergency situations.

Join the Tulalip Container for Life Program today to enhance your safety and well-being in emergency situations. Together, we can make a difference in saving lives and promoting a safer community for all.

Container for Life kits are available at the Tulalip Bay Fire station or the Community Health building. One kit per household. The kit contains two medical information forms, additional household members can download the form here.

Meet Your Community Health Nurses

Ashley Schmidt
Lead Community Health Nurse